Original Internet address of this content: https://www.ag85.site/protocols/datastructuretreeag85dst1.htm
AG85DST1 is data structure of the following: every link contains two values which can be either pointers or naught values: if a link has a marking zero-value descender the first value points to the marking zero-value descender link and in another case is naught value, if a link has a marking one-value descender the second value points to that marking one-value descender and in another case is naught value and links are joined so that link-by-link paths link-by-link bit-by-bit represents bits presentation of values.
Without modifications such data structure is efficient for storing collections, if in links which potentially are terminal for a value to add flags whether the link is terminal for a value or not and space for a value then is efficient for storing dictionaries and is efficient for ordering elements (it requires only putting values into the tree and reading in either zero-first or one-first depth-first order them).
There is published in 2025-02-26 code with using the data structure which demonstrates idea of ordering using this data structure in public repository services github.com (https://github.com/ArthurGolubev1985/FastOrderingIdeaDemo), codeberg.org (https://codeberg.org/ArthurGolubev1985/FastOrderingIdeaDemo) and gitflic.ru (https://gitflic.ru/project/arturische/fastorderingideademo).